The Hardmoors 55 is a 55 mile Ultramarathon running from Guisborough to Helmsley. The 55 mile race takes competitors through the North York Moors and the Cleveland Hills in quite possibly winter conditions. Participants are warned ‘do not underestimate this race!!’ There are options for supported and unsupported runners. The race contains over 2000 metres of ascent and has a time limit of 16 hours.
It is fitting to actually publish the words of Ian Storey, who incidentally entered this race before ‘lockdown’ and inevitably like most races it was cancelled, with just 6 weeks notice the organisers decided it was now time for the race to go ahead, when the email dropped into his inbox Ian doubted his ability to complete it in the time limit allowed, questioning whether he was 100% ready for it… over to Ian
Thank you everyone for your kind words and support, BIG thank you to Lee and Angela for the support crew always there at the right time and place when I needed you, would not have done it with out you. The weather was brutal up to 70 mph wind after a few hours that died down but then the rain came which made me very cold and wet to the point I felt like giving up, the trails turned to slippy sloppy mud which made it very difficult to run and wow over 7500 ft of nasty climbs too, I was off to a bad start my bag snapped just a mile in the run had to do some emergency repairs on it a few times on route but it got me through. I completed it in 14 hrs 43 mins just 2 mins faster than last year, don’t know how the heck I managed that. Feeling the pain this morning legs hurt and my back is red raw, on a good note lost my voice! THANK YOU ALL AGAIN FOR THE KIND WORDS OF SUPPORT
Big Well done Ian, a fabulous display of grit and determination right there!