Club officials: The club officials are simply members who have volunteered to take on specific roles to run the club. The post holders are reviewed at the AGM & changes are encouraged on a regular basis.
The Committee:
The committee take on various tasks pertaining to the running of the club. They tackle issues raised by the Co-ordinators, who in turn take these issues from regular members. They are as follows:
Martin Steele – Chair
Ian Stow – Club Secretary
Rob Sutton – Club Treasurer
Other Club Officials:
Our team of co-ordinators are not official committee members, but instead run an informal ‘team’ to make sure certain aspects of the club are run smoothly.
Leader Co-ordinator: Brian Perfitt
Team Co-ordinators: Garry Ellison/Julie Steele
Web Co-ordinator: Marc Steele
Social Co-ordinators: Linda Bussey & Ann Buckley
Our Leaders:
We have a number of session leaders who take charge of training. They are all qualified Leaders in Running Fitness and are licensed by UKA to deliver sessions. They are volunteers and we could not run our sessions without them!
Kathryn Lucas
Brian Perfitt
Trevor Rhodes
Julie Steele
Ian Stow
Gemma Illingworth
Marc Steele
Jackie Bywater
We positively encourage members to get involved in running the club – our future relies upon it! The Club officials are reviewed every year and new people are encouraged to take up these positions to keep a healthy flow of ideas and direction for the club.
There will be at least one general meeting in November (the AGM) when all members are requested to attend. This is supplemented by perhaps one or two additional meetings for all the membership when issues crop up or ideas for changes are proposed that need debating. Good notice will be given of these meetings, via email, Facebook, and the website. Any member with any good idea or issue about the running of the club are encouraged to raise this with the Committee or any of our Co-ordinators. This can also be done via the Club Secretary at at any time.
ERR is the kind of club which:
- Caters well for people who enjoy running with others, mainly for pleasure and to keep fit and healthy.
- Recognises its strengths come from its own members openly sharing information, ideas for club development and giving mutual and practical support for those in training.
- Will help members improve performance by offering one structured training night each week, supplemented by ready access to structured, personalised coaching when members need it.
- Puts the club first, but supports the Airedale Athletics Partnership in order to provide members with a wider variety of training and coaching opportunities.
- Encourages and supports representation of the club in races, but not to the detriment of peoples’ enjoyment of running.
The committee runs the club in accordance with a number of official documents, approved by the club membership.
These are reproduced below, for reference: (Please Contact Us if you need them in a different format)
Codes of conduct:
Athlete code of conduct
Code of conduct parents
Code of Conduct for the club
Code of Conduct for Club Officials
Health & Safety
Grievance & Displinary
Equality Policy
Incident procedure
We are committed to providing a caring, friendly and safe environment for all our members so they can participate in a relaxed and secure atmosphere. Bullying of any kind is unacceptable at our club. If bullying does occur, all athletes or parents should be able to tell and know that incidents will be dealt with promptly and effectively. We are a TELLING club. This means anyone who know that bullying is happening is expected to tell the club welfare officer or any committee member.
The club has formally adopted the England Athletics Anti-Bullying Policy, which can be found here.
Airedale Athletics is a community of joggers, walkers, runners, cyclists and participants of similar endurance activities, of all abilities, backgrounds and ages, in Bradford, Airedale and North-West Leeds and further afield.
It seeks to promote the benefits of regular aerobic exercise to the greatest number of people through providing:
(i) a network to support what are primarily individual activities;
(ii) technical support, including coaching, specialist training and practical advice;
(iii) social activities to bring like-minded people together;
(iv) opportunities for participation in individual and team competitions, for those who so wish.
The facilities and infrastructure of Airedale Athletics are provided through the voluntary efforts of members of its partner clubs, namely Bradford-Airedale AC, Eccleshill Road Runners, St Bede’s AC, Baildon and Skyrac.