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Hosted by Airecentre Pacers the annual Chevin Chase Boxing Day race is a hilly, multi-terrain course starting and finishing in Guiseley via a scenic 7 mile circuit of Otley Chevin, always held on Boxing Day at 11am. Some take it rather seriously, others prefer to dress up and make it a festive extravaganza. The Brownlee brothers are not unfamiliar with this local event although their absence was noted again this year. Now well over 40 years old the race usually attracts 1400 runners selling out in record time, however, the organisers opened up a further 600 places again this year by using a wave start system to avoid the usual bottlenecks, this year numbered 1 to 4 starting at 11, 11:05, 11:10 & 11:15. An extremely popular race around the Christmas festivities it attracts everyone from seasoned fell runners to fancy dress enthusiasts. Race proceeds also support a number of local charities. This year just 2 Eccleshill Road Runners featured in the line up on what was a marginally better day than of late when even the Winter sun made an appearance! The course was muddy to say the least as a result of periods of gusting winds and heavy rain over the last few days. Gemma Illngworth finished in 69:04 followed by Alex Spragg in 75:05 Great running ladies, well done!